White Day


Today is White Day, a rather unique occasion. It is related to St. Valentine’s, when women give chocolates to their loved ones, be it the love of their lives, their bosses or female friends. White Day, one month after St Valentine’s, is the time for men to return the favour.

You forgot? Not a chance, the heart shaped displays are present pretty much in every store.

This is Ladurée, Nihonbashi.

Hanabanasai at Mitsukoshi


Who might be envisioning a Danish garden in the middle of Tokyo but renowned flower artist Nicolai Bergmann? Hanabanasai spring celebration is in full swing at Tokyo’s Mitsukoshi, Nihonbashi. (2.29-3.27)



Issey Miyake has opted for more demure colours for his Pleats Please with reddish earthy orange, black, and brown with black prints matched with beige. More of an Autumn feel than spring and summer.




It is always a joy to see pots, plants and flowers moving out of their little flower boutiques and brightening up the pavements for us passers-by. In Tokyo, flowers are surprisingly on outdoor display throughout the year. Colours may vary as the florists and flower designers are as fashion conscious and particular about the correct hues as any fashion house. This spring, different shades of yellow, pink and a bit of white are on the menu.



Rainy day


Today the rain has been pouring down. What to do but enjoy? I took a stroll through Takahashi Korekiyo Memorial Park. It is situated on Aoyama Dori. Takahashi-san (1854-1931) was a Japanese politician and former Prime Minister (1921-22).





I also took the opportunity to arrange ikebana.


The other day

The other day we were surprised by some unexpected snow. Not unexpected in that sense, since the weather reports here are rarely, if ever, inaccurate. It was more of a surprise as I was convinced that spring had arrived. Spring is the time when you look forward to enjoy cherryblossom. As for now, at least in the Tokyo area, a few select branches from the florist will have to do.

Tokyo City View


Tokyo´s glittering cityscape with its famous Tokyo Tower can be viewed from the Mori Art Museum`s Sky Gallery. The Sky Gallery, well worth a visit, is an urban observation facility on the 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills (Roppongi Hiruzu). The museum galleries, with an emphasis on contemporary, are located on the 52nd and 53rd floor. Mori Art Museum is located in central Tokyo, Roppongi.

Curious to know more? http://www.mori.art.museum/eng/