Hanami 花見 – again

Every year we welcome spring with anticipation with sakura さくら and hanami 花見 being the grand finale. Seasonal themes and traditions go way back as you might see from these woodblock prints from the Edo period (1600-1868).cb0019_standard Kitao Shigemasa (1739-1820)
Kitao Shigemasa (1739–1820). Yayoi or Sangatsu, Asukayama Hanami (Third Lunar Month, Blossom Viewing at Asuka Hill), from the series Jūnikagetsu (Twelve Months), between 1772 and 1776. Color woodblock print. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (019.00.00)
cherry blossom
Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815). Hanami-zuki (Cherry Blossom Viewing Month), from the series Shin-Yoshiwara jukkei (Ten Views of Shin-Yoshiwara), between 1785 and 1789. Color woodblock print. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (039.00.00)DSCN2988DSCN2990DSCN2994
DSCN2992Most of the cherry blossoms are now gone, but a few are still brightening up the trees.DSCN2996Have a great weekend everyone!

woodblock prints: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/cherry-blossoms/cherry-blossoms-in-japanese-cultural-history.html

Nicolai Bergmann DAC Denmark Art and Culture

DSCN2929DSCN2930DSCN2932DSCN2936DSCN2952DSCN2956DSCN2960DSCN2964DSCN2967DSCN2938DSCN2943Time for a glimpse of spring colours. These beautiful flower decorations were part of Danish flower artist Nicolai Bergmann´s venue DAC Denmark Art and Culture Reception Party in early April. Invited were Danish contemporary artist Christina Malbek, who trained at the Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen. Malbek paints with airbrush technique, using pressurized spray cans, the same technique as graffiti. Colour wise we notice Nordic romantic landscape art. Themes she often returns to are “life´s lack of logic and a wish to give meaning to what one sees.” Sometimes she also combines sections of digital photos.

Chefs Victor Wagman and Sam Nutter from Danish restaurant BROR, famous for their unique menu, were in charge of the kitchen.