
Kappabashi dori (dori= street, avenue or road), also referred to as kitchen town, is a street between Ueno and Asakusa. Most of the shops cater to the kitchen and restaurant trade and sell everything you might need or didn´t even know you needed if you´d ever come up with the idea of setting up your own restaurant. The small shops along the street sell all you could possibly think of and more in terms of furniture, ovens, pots and pans, decorations, chopsticks, kitchen utensils, china or crockery, Japanese knives and plastic food to be displayed in your restaurant window to tempt potential dinner guests. I was looking for some extra plates and ended up buying these in blue and funky blue and white. DSCN3436DSCN3437The deep plate is a typical Japanese soup bowl, which I intend to use for pasta.

Unless you´re a devoted fan of crowds, avoid weekends.

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