Yasukuni Jinja


This torii gate of steel (25 m tall, 34 m wide) marks the main entrance to Yasukuni Jinja.


The controversial Shinto shrine Yasukuni commemorates those who died in service of the Empire of Japan as well as wars involving Japan. Approximately 2.5 million people (men, women, children, war criminals of whom 14 are classified as class A) are listed by names, origins, birth dates and places of death. This is the Haiden hall of worship.


Historically, the knot was respected as an object of faith as the will of God was believed to reside in it. It symbolizes bringing people together and good luck. Supposedly, it bridges the past, the present and the future.


Hope you have all had a relaxing summer so far. Here in Tokyo it has been way too hot and humid.

Stay safe and hydrated!

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