The 96th Sogetsu Annual Exhibition in Nihombashi, Takashimaya

I dare say, this blog should truly change its name to the blog where posts rarely happen. My only excuse is that life gets in the way, and I am only too happy jumping at the opportunities it provides. Autumn is slowly taking its firm grip on Tokyo, although I am still in t-shirt, night and day. Horrible thought, it´s short sleeved too. Others around me has donned their cowboy boots and winter coats and am enjoying their rides on the train, where the heat is now turned on. After all, temperatures have fallen to 22-24 degrees during the day.

This morning, the second part of this three part event opened at Takashimaya, Nihonbashi. The exhibition did not disappoint as there were quite a few exciting arrangements in various sizes. DSCN4046DSCN4104

Our theme was Set things you cannot see. For this particular theme I chose a strong ceramic vase in red with a black base, and as material I picked typically autumn colours to pick up the colours of the vase. The green leaf carculigo is easily bendable and emphasizes the red/orange colour of the pincushions, while the black chillie fruits pick up the colour from the base.DSCN4070DSCN4074DSCN4079DSCN4090DSCN4086
This is a part of iemoto (headmaster of the Sogetsu School)Akane Teshigahara´s super size arrangement.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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