Spring mode kimono

Kimono, which means things to wear, is a Japanese traditional elaborate silk dress. It is t-shaped, straight and falls to the ankle. The sleeves are wide. You wrap the kimono around you with the left side over the right. It is tied with an obi, a kind of belt or sash, which actually doesn’t close the kimono but is merely decorative. The kimono is held into place by ribbons and undersashes found under the obi.

Recently, Double Maison http://www.doublemaison.com/ showed some new designs with an edge at Tokyo Midtown. Gorgeous, don’t you think?


There were also other spring inspired kimonos on display. How about this as an alternative to jeans? As you may notice, the obi for men is rather narrow, only about 10 cm.

Something more sophisticated?

 Women’s obi, on the other hand, may be a wide as 30 cm and 4 m long.